Tater Trot: This year I had 2 cute little runners! What a fun event it is to see children racing. Brigham looks forward to this event every year. He pretty much starts a countdown for the next race as soon as his race is over. Ok so that's exaggerating a little bit, but the point is that Brigham LOVES the tater trot! Last year he was one of the oldest in his age group of runners and ended up being first place with a fancy potato medal. This year he was the younger of the age group and so I tried to prepare him that he should do his best, but it would be harder to win. He ended up in the middle of the group but he felt good and kept telling me, "Mom, I passed a 1st grader!".
For Silas, I was just so proud that he ran the whole way! He was so cute! Those little legs don't move very fast, but he told me that he ran FAST! That was so fun for me to watch my cute little runners.
The Funeral: Grandpa Harvard Bitter's funeral was on Saturday. It was such a heart-filling service. I was grateful for women who weren't concerned about spud day as they were watching small children during the funeral so we could actually listen and pay attention without having to deal with squirmy kids. That made it so nice. What a blessing it was to see how the chapel was filled with the posterity of Grandma and Grandpa. Big families are such a blessing. It was so touching to see a woman at a 4 way stop allow the entire funeral procession pass by (and it was a very long line of cars). She could have been in a hurry to go somewhere, but she put that aside and put us first. Whoever she is, I wonder if she knows how touched my sister-in-law and I were because of her act of kindness. Grandpa was also honored for serving our country in WWII. What a legacy of hard work and testimony he left for us. Thank you for example, Grandpa!
Date Night: It was nice to have a double date with Mark and Nicole. We had a half price deal for squealers and so we enjoyed go karts, mini golf, climbing wall and bumper boats. It was fun to laugh, compete, squirt each other, and test our skills and nerves. It was a fun night out! 2 hole-in-ones for my mini golf! I love go karts and rock climbing. The nerves came in when the first time you climb to the top and you are ready to go back down you just let go of the wall and the cord takes you down; letting go the first time is kind of scary! But then it was just so much fun. Nicole was on my tail with the go karts during one of our runs and I kept blocking her so she couldn't get passed me. Sorry, Nicole....but it was super fun!!! Doug's favorite thing was of course the Go Karts and he enjoyed blasting past everyone. Thrilling adventure!!! Loved it!!!