Monday, March 17, 2014

Haircuts and FHE on St. Patricks Day

There are some things that you have to do for your kids that I really don't like doing because they hate it so much. Trimming nails is one and haircuts is another. It was a haircut day for Brigham and Adam. Actually, Brigham was awesome and didn't seem to mind as long as he could watch PBS kids while I was doing it. Adam at first thought it was funny and then it turned to torture, but we made it through! 

I love FHE with little boys. I mean they all run around and don't listen half the time, but it just feels good and I just love it. Brigham led the music, but Adam wanted to help and joined Brigham in waving arms. Silas had the lesson and Daddy was helping. Silas was the most distracted lesson giver I had ever seen. He just wanted to chase Adam in circles. Then when Daddy would ask Silas to share something else Jesus taught he said, "be good" and Doug asked what else and Silas said again, "be good".  Brigham wanted to share his testimony all by himself for the first time and it was really sweet and sincere. We played hot potato for the game. When it landed on Silas and the hot potato "exploded" he said, "oh! It blew me out!" Adam was dancing to the beat and he loved to hang on to the little frog we were passing around and then say, "pass". 

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