Saturday, March 22, 2014

26th birthday

Yes, I know! I am young! That's what I hear all the time because  most of my friends are 8-10 years older than me. I become friends with them and then they find out how young I am and I say, "please still be my friend!" Of course they are, I love my friends so much! Three of my friends took me out to eat for lunch while my mother-in-law babysat. Thank you! I also got to have a cake from cold stone. My sweet hubby and kids made me cards and got me some gifts. Brigham came up with a gift idea for me all by himself. I have a broken guitar string and Brigham told Doug that "we should get mommy a new guitar string". That was so sweet! 
So all in all my birthday really blew! Ha ha! The wind was super crazy that day, but it was a great day!

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