Friday, August 8, 2014

I needed the rain

All week there have been thunder storms and rain showers. A garden party was cancelled, grain cutting post-poned, and kids having to play inside.

And I am so grateful for this rain!!! This rain meant for me that my husband who was supposed to be gone all week, was able to be home with us for a good amount if time. It meant that I was able to go on a date with him!!! It also meant that I could slow down and make it to the temple! 
It meant that Adam could stay home and nap because daddy was home; while I could take Brigham and Silas to a relief society meeting at an assisted living center where they could sing, "I am a Child of God" for some women whose hearts needed to hear children sing. 

It meant we received moisture that was needed in this dry snake river plains. 

We are truly blessed. Sometimes our blessings come unexpectedly packaged as little black rain clouds.

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