Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Understanding

One of Adam's Sunday shoes was missing. Where is that other shoe? "Come here Adam, let's find your shoe!" So we looked in the office and no luck. On our way out of the office I shut the door nearly all the way when Adam's scream stopped me to notice he had his finger in the door hinge. Oh, my baby! His nail bed was purple and his finger was bleeding. I hurt my sweet little baby. I felt so bad and just wanted the pain to stop. I wanted to take his pain away. I started crying too. The emotions of a parent are strong when your innocent child is hurt and especially when you know you inflicted the pain.

All the way to church, all I could think about was that little finger. Then a small understanding came over me. I realized that I felt a tiny portion of how our Heavenly Father felt when He allowed His Only Begotten Son to suffer so great an agony. I realized that Heavenly Father wanted me to reflect on the Atonement, on His love for me and all of His children and how the Savior's gift was the greatest gift ever given. The Savior sacrificed for us to give us the greatest gift of all...for us to be united Eternally.

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